Creating is no problem

Zoe Fitzpatrick
2 min readJul 8, 2021

I am a massive problem-solver. I’m good at it. I see the bigger picture, I can quickly identify what is going on, I am inclusive in the pursuit of the solution. So naturally I have been happily employed by many bosses in my career. No problem.

Though being stuck in a problem-solving existence will easily sap your spirit. You begin to feel like you are playing a game of whack-a-mole. While we tweak here, a problem emerges over there — it’s structural. Just look at the game of law and politics.

We need to employ the wisdom of the housewife.

After 2 decades I changed career path when it became clear that my despite my competencies work was de-energising me, rather than energising me. It felt wrong. Problem-solving to get things done was not a pattern I wanted to continue until retirement. Despite my flair for it.

You see the fundamental truth is this: problem-solving is not creating. Creating is liberating, it is a vital force.

Problem-solving is revered as a virtue of positive application — something to fix and to advance on, like continual stepping stones. That’s rarely the reality. Often it’s a game of whack-a-mole. We turn our energy and focus to fixing things that aren’t working, only to drain resources from the places we want to expand into.

We all know that problems have a way of fixing themselves if we just focus on what’s important. It’s age-old housewife wisdom.

It’s a fallacy that we have to “fix” before we can move on. Aligning to a higher purpose in any given situation will guide your way out of it; problems will either drop away or solve themselves. Like the housewife we learn this as we don’t have the capacity to solve all things around us.

The bottom line is this: there are always problems to fix! But is it a necessary focus? Fixing an electrical circuit may make the train go around the track, but it doesn’t change the state of the track.

#creating #problem solving #liberating #vital #energising #focus #fixing #resources #expansion

Photo by Karla Hernandez @ Unsplash



Zoe Fitzpatrick

I write about creating. Not being creative. To develop agency for what we’d love.